

Below you can find the timeline for the delivery of Holloway Park.

It is intended that Holloway Park will be delivered across three phases:

Phase 1: 429 homes – 50% social rent (215 homes, including 60 extra care), 8% shared ownership (18 homes) and 46 % Market (196 homes). Additionally, this phase will include 75% of the new public park, a dedicated women’s building, and a commercial space designated for a café.

Phase 2: 235 homes – 49% social rent (116 homes), 22%  shared ownership (52 homes) and 29 % Market (67 homes).

Phase 3: Phase 3: 321 homes – 26% Social rent (84 homes), 34% shared ownership (108 homes), 40% Market (129 homes), as well as the remainder of the park and commercial spaces.


Holloway Prison closed


Peabody purchased the Holloway Prison site

2020 / 2021

Extensive consultation with members of the public to help inform the design of the masterplan for the site


Holloway Park Masterplan approved by Islington Council

Demolition of old prison starts


Demolition continues


  • January: Demolition completed
  • April: Phase 1 early enabling works
  • May: Phase 1 commences
  • June: Concrete Frame works starts
  • July: First tower crane (TC1) erected.
  • August: Last tower crane (TC4) erected.
  • October: Ground Floor slabs for blocks C & D
  • December:
    Block C frame to level 3
    Block D frame to level 2 &3
    Block E2 frame to level 1
    Block E1 drainage below ground

we are here


Completion of the first homes

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Disclaimer: Imagery included on this website are for illustrative purposes only and will be updated as the development progresses.