Career opportunities for women at Holloway Park

Published on: 15th April, 2024

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Procurement for Local Business

Published on: 2nd April, 2024

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Summer Walking Art Workshop

Published on: 2nd April, 2024

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Women’s Building Feasibility Study

Published on: 18th March, 2024

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First Green Skills Course delivered!

Published on: 13th March, 2024

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Curatorial Training: Holloway Park

Published on: 29th February, 2024

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Walking Art Workshop

Published on: 23rd February, 2024

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Green Skills for the Future

Published on: 8th February, 2024

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Dates in the Diary

Published on: 19th October, 2023

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Holloway Park help out at Eco-Fair!

Published on: 7th November, 2023

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